K-Drama Watch List

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Why Watch K-Dramas?

Most K-dramas portray traditional Confucian values of family relationships, respect for parents, friendships and love which have a universal appeal, and they also manage to blend these traditional values with Western materialism and individualism which appeal to modern audience. Almost every K-drama is related to the main characters overcoming all odds and working their way up from the bottom and such “rags-to-riches” stories have global appeal. As K-dramas usually are designed to last a specified number of episodes, the narratives are compact and the story is dedicated to a central theme. The simple storylines make K-dramas easy to follow and also make it easy to distinguish between good and evil roles. Moreover, as their storylines are simple, they rely more on dramatizing evolving relationships or conflicts between individuals, which make K-dramas more emotionally charged than the dramas in other countries and this helps hook the viewers.

Here are some recommended K-dramas
